
Where to Eat & Grab Sushi and Sashimi in BGC

OGAWA Traditional Japanese Restaurant
Hello Beautiful!

Looks yummy right?

That feeling when you saw a delicious looking food you can’t help but have that instant craving, and you ended up phoning someone to tag along – or nope, you become spontaneous and head straight to that restaurant.

I was checking for my photos in my hard-drive when I stumbled these photos that I’ve haven’t shared with you. I realized that I’ve been to many restaurants since last year and I haven’t got time to make a blog post about it, but at least managed to capture many photos.

So tonight, I allocated some time and had a trip to foodie-memory-lane.

Am basically can eat anything, home cooked meal up to 6 courses meal, it doesn’t matter – I could eat all of those. However, I have this undeniable fascinating palate with Japanese foods. I remember when the first time I was introduced to these kind of meal by my boyfriend – and from them on, I became very fascinated to it. Yes I don’t cook – I even can’t remember the exact name of those Japanese foods, but each time I see one, I knew exactly what it is.

It’s like something that you don’t put labels on it. You have to indulge it, taste and savor it. Let you passionate foodie spirit enjoy its taste and delight, up to your satisfaction.

Yep that’s me!

OGAWA Traditional Japanese Restaurant

One of the favourite place I love to hangout is the OGAWA Traditional Japanese Restaurant, located at the 2nd Floor of The Fort, Bonifacio Global City.

This restaurant was opened two-years ago, and it became a hit.

I remember once that I had a meeting with my clients in aesthetic beauty when we indulge ourselves with these delicious foods. My favourite sushi, sashimis, maki, nigiri, yakitori, yes even natto and tempuras are in our long table, ready for our own satisfaction.

OGAWA Traditional Japanese Restaurant

OGAWA Traditional Japanese Restaurant

These foods looks exquisite and very savory, and I couldn’t help to feed my camera as well, LOL.

The colors and their textures are almost in perfection, and I think any Japanese food lovers would agree. Shame that we didn’t order sake to complete this meal, or we will ended up partying and forgot the meeting is all about, LOL.

OGAWA Traditional Japanese Restaurant

dining at OGAWA Traditional Japanese Restaurant

What I love about this restaurant is their traditional concept that I think only few can appreciate. When you enter their restaurant, it’s like entering to the doors of the other world. It’s like travelling back in time in Japan and eat in a very traditional way. Although that day dreaming of mine sometimes got distracted with those noise coming from the next room where they are having karaoke… eventually you’ll get used to it. You see, Japanese meal is nor complete with karaoke while drinking.

I’ve noticed that they do serve variety of sake, which I would like to partake the next time I visit OGAWA.


From traditional Japanese food going to a bit of high-street type of Japanese food, I’ve visited OGETSU HIME located at the top floor of SM Aura Premier.

Ogetsu Hime at SM Aura Premier

Another spontaneous visit, after a very boring event I’ve attend hosted by BDJ (it’s about women empowerment, but sadly I wasn’t feeling empowered when I realized the list of speaker and listened to their contoured speech). I decided not to finished the conference (because if I would stay much longer I will definitely curse myself), and gladly I saw this restaurant and decided to unwind.

Ogetsu Hime at SM Aura Premier

One of the reason why I prefer eating at Japanese restaurants is that it is a very rare occasion that they are always crowded with customers, and also the right timing. I don’t visit Japanese restaurant during peak hours, because I want to enjoy the food and not to be distracted by chatty customers, or worst crying babies around me.

Sorry Mommas but please if possible, bring your child in Japanese restaurants if they already know how to behave like adults.

Japanese restaurants like Ogetsu Hime and Ogawa are designed to relax, enjoy the food, and have your time for the diners, and it’s not designed to have noise, unless it’s a drinking session.

Ogetsu Hime at SM Aura Premier

If you dine in a non-crowded place, you will appreciate the food a lot more, and not hurrying up (or you might choke up yourself).

I wasn’t in a huge appetite then so I satisfied my cravings with these two variants of maki and warm tea.

Ogetsu Hime, Shake Kawa Roll
Shake Kawa Roll - Fried Salmon Skin with Katsuboshi, Green and Orange Ebiko, Torched Mozarella Cheese and Teriyaki Glaze Php180.00

Ogetsu Hime, Goma Ebi Tempura Roll
Goma Ebi Tempura Roll - Ebi Tempura Rolled in Black Sesame Seeds, black Ebiko, crispy Tempura bits with roasted sesame mayonnaise and light teriyaki sauce - Php205

dining at Ogetsu Hime

I was a happy lady, these simple maki pulled up my energy and aura again after a huge disappointment during the convention. Will never attend again.

And for the benefit of more foodie friends, I took a liberty of snapping these menu photos for your guide.

Ogetsu Hime at SM Aura Premier

Ogetsu Hime at SM Aura Premier

Ogetsu Hime at SM Aura Premier

Check out Ogetsu Hime at SM Aura Premier and am pretty sure you’ll going to like it too. It is also a family-friendly Japanese restaurant, but am not sure if you could bring your furry babies along.

How do you enjoy your dining? Let me know your thoughts below!

xoxo, Blair

For more foodie tips and destination, follow me on Facebook and Instagram

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  1. look graciously good! i love the food presentation as well.

  2. Between Korean and Japanese cuisines, I enjoy Japanese a whole lot more. Your food photos are making me drool in the middle of the night and this is not good! LOL

    1. Hahaha am sorry Emily!

      Care to dial the delivery now :)

  3. I love love love sushi! This all looks so amazingly fresh and colorful. That lobster roll is amazing! Thanks so much for sharing your experience!

    1. You are welcome Jodiemo and thank you for visiting my blog.

      Well, if one am a huge diner, I wish to order the other dishes for myself, lol. Anyway, I'll be dining here again and share here some photos :)

  4. My husband would love it! He enjoys his sushi--I never got a taste for it.

    1. Ohh you must! But just we careful, and always ask them about the ingredients, and how it was prepared. They are very willing to discuss it with their customers especially for sushis and sashimis :) Because if not properly cooked or prepared, diners might get food poison.

  5. I should not have read this before lunch, now I'm starving! All those places look delicious.

    1. Hahaha sorry dear, but at least you can crave for more sushis and ended up rushing to your favorite Japanese resto.

  6. Oh my the food here looks really good. And thumbs up for the great presentation - it certainly made the whole serve more tempting as a whole too :)

    1. I know right... :)

      If only everyday someone will serve me sushi oohh I would be a happy girl :D

  7. Although i dont really take raw food but Shake Kawa Roll looks so good.. I'm hungry looking at it!

  8. The place looks really nice and the food really yummy!

  9. Ugh, talk about food porn. Everything is so beautifully plated. Craving sushi rn.

    1. Oh am glad you like my photos.. even I myself is getting hungry too :)

  10. SO yes you are right. When I see pictures of delicious looking food I get hungry! LOL and I've been craving sushi for weeks. It's gotta happen this week. Thanks for sharing.

  11. YUM. That one with the torched mozzarella cheese looks so delicious. I've never seen a roll using cheese before.

    1. Japanese restaurants are very experimental with many ingredients and I like it :)

  12. WOw! SO YUMMY LOOKING Japanese foods, I am superb hungry now! Wish I can enjoy them akl ;) cheers, siennylovesdrawing

  13. This meal looks amazing! I'm always amazed at the simple, yet complex way the Japanese prepare food.

    1. I agree, and more reason why Japanese cooking is also a very interesting to learn :) I have huge respect to Japanese chefs and sushi masters.

  14. Omg my mouth was literally drooling over these photos!! The food looks so good! I am Japanese so I am always a bit of tough critic when it comes to Japanese restaurants! I wish I lived nearby so I could try this place!


    1. Thank you Sweetie!

      Ohh you should visit Japan for a more authentic experience!

  15. lovely place. Even all food items look delicious. Looks like you enjoyed Japanese foods.


    1. Hello Nisha yeah I did and I will come dine again here :)

  16. I love Japanese food!!! We don't have a local restaurant but your photos made me instantly miss the one in my previous city!!! Great photos :) thanks for sharing. Now to go find some Japanese food!!

    1. Hello Nadine,

      Of you can learn how to cook your own Japanese food. There are many video tutorials available on youtube!

  17. You are welcome dear!

    Yes they are very professional and very approachable with smiles on their faces. I love it here :)

  18. OMG ! so tempting ~ i really miss Japanese food so much

    1. Yeah me too! And yes sometimes its quite expensive but I don't care. I just love Japanese foods :)

  19. the food and recipes looks deliciously good and presentable, i'm am even tasting it from here. Lol

    1. LOL that's great Pospi! And hey thanks for visiting :)

  20. I love sushi so this blog is perfect. Thank you for sharing. I do hope to make it up to BC at some point and this place will definitely be on the list of places to visit.

    1. Thanks David! Do you have favorite Japanese food near you?

  21. Yes, definitely looks yummy!. They are actually making me hungry right now.

    1. Hello Garf, am glad you are feeling hungry for my post! Thanks for visiting :)

  22. Replies
    1. I bet she will! Thanks for visiting Uncle Zuan :)

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. There's nothing like authentic sushi! Good thing I just ate or else I'd be very hungry just looking at your pictures. ;)

    1. Oh my, hahaha thank you Lydia for reading my blog :)

  25. We are not big fans of sushi, but the presentation is very beautiful. We love the way the colors blend in the dishes. It looks like you had a great visit.

    1. Yes I did and I would never get tired of it. My mission is to visit every Japanese restaurant here in Manila :)

  26. The food look really colourful and i'm sure my husband would like these foods. xx

    1. Thank you Anna. You can learn making sushi online :)

  27. I love sushis so much! And all Japanese food in general. Your photos made me hungry I think tonight I'm gonna go to my favorite Japanese restaurant ;)

    1. Thank you for visiting Miriam, and enjoy your sushi feast!

  28. YUM! Give me 5 of these rolls please :O Especially with the crispy tempura bits on top. I think I'm off to go get some sushi for dinner ;P

  29. Wow. These look really delicious. I am just so hungry and food is on mind right now, I really wish to try them soon.

    1. Hello Laveena,

      Share us your sushi experience very soon! We love to read it :)

  30. The food looks incredibly delicious and colorful! Just looking at those pictures, I felt like grabing it from my laptop!

    1. Thank you Ana! Let's make it 4DX!

      I'll post more sushi restaurants soon!

  31. Yummilicious food options ... my son is craving for sushi now. Loved the overall presentation. feeling hungry now.

  32. Nice photos! I love Japanese cuisine too! Would love to try these two restaurants if I get the chance :)


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