We changed our clocks for daylight saving and that means a longer day, and more opportunity to enjoy the outdoors.
I'm so thrilled and honored to be nominated as one of the Best Australian Women's Blogs and Websites (No. 12)! It means a lot to me that my readers enjoy my content and support my journey. I started this blog as a hobby back in the Philippines, and for over 13 years this blog has grown into a passion and a source of inspiration for me, and for a continuously growing number of readers and supporters here in Australia and worldwide.
We are also grateful to be included in the top list of 100 Best Urban Blogs (No.06), and () and Best Urban Lifestyle Blogs (No. 03)!
Thank you all for your amazing feedback, comments, and shares. You are the best!
Someone’s trash; another woman’s treasure.
That is basically what happened when I found this blue jacket during one of my morning walks. It was lying flat on the curb along with other old furniture and homewares waiting to be rescued by someone. My neighbor probably did their spring cleaning and decluttering.
The color looked lovely, and I couldn’t have a heart leaving it there, so I took it home, gave it a good wash, and started a new fun project.
Together with my stash of haberdashery, I took inspiration from the classic Disney movies I’ve been bingeing recently. The Mickey Mouse patch that I found from the op shop will finally be used, and I have this Cinderella print that I could use to patch it on the back of the jacket. I also have this old Mickey Mouse kid’s shirt that will be a good applique as well.
Thank you all for your amazing feedback, comments, and shares!
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